... Is an awesome track with a phat fucking beat! I suggest you go listen to it this instant. In other news I haven't died just yet. In fact I'm working on something new right now. It's quite different from anything I've done before though, but that is OK.
I haven't really been doing any serious flash this year, a part from that Antlers-thing maybe. The reason is that I've been doing these dark flashes with serious tones for years now, and by now I'm starting to get sick of it. So I've decided to start doing more light-hearted stuff and try out a more loose style of animation. With this change of pace I also once again realize just how much fucking fun animation really is!
I also I think I should mention that some nice guys did a review of my latest submission, Hello. If you care to read it you can go HERE to do so.
Just know that the review is in german though.
I guess that's all for now. I shall return in December with a new flash called Monsterstuff.
I shall leave you guys with a picture of Luffy doing his Gear 2nd-thing
It's definitely not one of my top favourite gorillaz songs from their catalogue. The beat is nice but I just never took a special liking to it.
True. It isn't one of their best songs, but it still has that special Gorillaz-quality to it in my eyes.