
239 Movie Reviews

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One word... talent!

This film oozes talent.
Never have i seen something that impressive on NG. This must have taken lots and lots of patience and hard work to create.

I really respect people who still do it the traditional way. Nothing compares to hand drawn animation.

As I am really into the deep stuff the story in this film was really appealing to me. Well done on that part too. The music chosen was beatiful and fit the film like a hand in a glove.
Congratulations on a job very very well done, Miss. This film really deserve it's score and more...
lets hope it will rise quite a bit shall we:)

I like...

Lol great movie, man...
I dig the graphics in it. You did a good job with that :)
Also the sync with the music was great
as always.Overall a pretty enjoyable
little film.
Looking forward to your next movie/game ;)

HeRetiK responds:

thankies ;)

Me likey.....

Hi HeRetiK.
As I probably already told ya... this movie is awesome, in all it's simplicity.
The idea of using black on white is cool. You rarely see a flash with a style like that.

I love your choice of music for it.
It was excellent. It fit it perfectly, or the movie fit the music perfectly? Not sure wich.
Anyhow, congrats on a job well done.

I love this series...

This movie is so good in so many ways.
It got all the stuff I like: It's a noir-film, it's dark, it's voilent, it got explotions, and an awesome style to it.

My question to you is: Why do you want to remove this series from NG?? Doing something like that would be such a shame...


My god!!
You did an awesome job on this movie.
It was beautifully animated, and your use of symbolism simply rocked my underpants.
I loved the song u used for it.
It fit the movie extremely well.
There is so much to this movie, that it's impossible for me to go into detail.

This movie has now officially found
it's way to my favorite's list.
Great job man!

Your just great man...

And so he does it again.

You made a very nice movie man. I really liked the story in this 1.
Also you put in some great music. I must say I loved the part where the Zelda-music is playing.
It contained some good fight-scenes aswell. I also enjoyed your sense of humor.
A shame you reached the frame-limit. But oh well.

Overall another very cool movie by my fav-spriteanimator: Mr. Gargantua;)

PS. I can't wait to see the next episode.

RogerGargantua responds:

Yea...the zelda music, i was crossing my mind about that, but hey, its all good ! :) Thanks for the review, buddy !!

Deffinately worth watching!

That was a very intertaining little movie.

I like the nice smooth animation in it, and the music fits it perfectly!

It also contained some nice humour, that made me chuckle a few times.
Overall a very cool movie, that makes me want to see your other stuff, and thats what I will do right now.

PS. If this does not win an award, then there is no justice in this world...

O-Ovinnie responds:

hehe, thanks a lot (:

Quite disturbing...

Well done!

I really felt bad for that poor guy...
You did a great job with this film.
I liked the message in it... though it was a very depressing one.
Very dark, yet very beautiful too, in a weird way.
The characters, though simple, was great and nicely done indeed.
Good choice of music too... it went well with the movie.

Keep doing your thing, man... cause it just works so well.
I'm looking forward to your next film.


Hmm... bliver dette mon endnu en award?

Det vil jeg tro.

Jeg har sagt det før, og jeg siger det igen... du er meget dygtig til at animere. Det var en sjov lille film du fik lavet der.

hmm... skal du være animator når du bliver stor?
Du har ihvertfald hvad der skal til.

Fortsæt med de små sjove film.

PS. Fik jeg sagt at det er godt at se andre danske animatorer her på siden?

Bank dine grøntsager! eller omvendt...

Hehe! Det er skønt at se andre Danske animatorer
Her på "NyGrund".

Jeg så også din anden film "Smoke kills" og jeg må sige at du har talent.

For at vende tilbage til denne her film:
Ideen med at lade figurerne tale dansk var kanon!
det var sjovt fundet på.

Lige til sidst... Tillykke med din daglige 3. plads. Her, tag en kartoffel!!

Your smile guide.


Grocery store guy



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